Ways to stay active into our 12th month of quarantine

St. Michael’s Assisted Living February 19, 2021

By Cid Serva, Activity Director/ Dietary Manager at St. Michael’s Assisted Living

The calendar tells us that it is winter, yet the weather has not been too bad in our Midwest setting. People continue to remain at home due to COVID-19. With these factors combined, many people are facing long, boring days in the confines of their homes.              

You are not alone! There are only so many cupboards to clean, foods to bake (and eat), movies to watch, and TV shows to binge that one can put up with in a day, let alone for several months.

Here are some ways to get through the doldrums of winter.

  • Most importantly, put yourself first. You cannot care for others if you are ill and feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or stressed. Eat fruits and vegetables, stay hydrated, get plenty of rest, and keep your sleep schedule consistent.
  • Keep yourself healthy by staying busy. Stay fit by exercising daily. Change routines from jogging in place to lunges, leg lifts, and pullups. Simple exercises can be done at any time of the day, even while you are watching TV or listening to music.
  • Avoid falling into the rut of the same daily routine. Be open to something fun, and don’t be afraid to try something new. Plan special home events. For instance, if you have kids, plan an indoor camping night. Make smores, and use lanterns or flashlights and blankets for tents. Don’t forget the spooky stories. You could also plan a night for a special meal. To involve the entire family, assign everyone a part of the meal. Let them decide what to make. But remember that it’s more than just the food – don’t forget to decorate and dress up, too.
  • Try something new. With the Internet, the possibilities are endless. You could learn a language. You could also take a class to learn something new, like wine making or become a pen pal.
  • Keep your brain active.Plenty of free online games are available – crossword games, word jumbles, and Suzuko puzzles. Try to complete one each day.
  • Keep your hands busy. Learn how to crochet, knit, and embroider. What you make could become a gift for someone.

Don’t let the winter months or COVID-19 take over your life.